Here are Evangelize Cincinnati’s Top Three Evangelism Questions:
What do you think happens after you die?
Why would God let you into heaven?
Do you think you are a “good person”?
Let’s Examine These Powerful Questions.
What do you think happens after you die?
When people answer the question, they expose their worldview. Most people express a belief in heaven and hell or reincarnation. A few people claim that there is nothing after you die. And a few claim that they really do not know what happens.
Before you have said anything about Jesus, they have made a claim about what they believe. The vast majority of people in Cincinnati respond that “You go to heaven or hell” which begs the question…
Why would God let you into heaven?
This question allows people to explain how they are justified before a Holy God. Most people in Cincinnati will respond that they are a “good person.” Some will explain that they will be fine because they have, “asked God for forgiveness.” A few people will claim that they have never done anything “really bad.”
Almost any response opens the door for the third question…
Do you think that you are a good person?
Almost without exception, people answer, “Yes.” Once they proclaim their “goodness,” we follow The Way of the Master training and give them The “Good Person” Test. We ask them if they have kept the 10 commandments.
Guess what? Nobody has kept the 10 commandments. If the Holy Spirit is working on the person, God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth.
The Gospel is the Answer to the Top Three Evangelism Questions
Once a person sees the need for the Savior, we share the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ. This proven approach allows people to judge themselves by God’s standard. We do our part with gentleness and respect. And we leave the results to God who gives the increase.
Evangelize Cincinnati’s Top Three Evangelism Questions work because most people believe in heaven and hell … and everyone considers themselves to be a good person.
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So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
1 Corinthians 3:7