How to Evangelize to Strangers
Opening an evangelism encounter can be intimidating. But you can learn how to evangelize to strangers.
God commands us to make disciples in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). He chooses to use us in evangelism (Romans 10:13-15). And God guarantees the success of the mission (John 6:37-40). None of the seats at the Great Banquet table in the kingdom of God will be empty (Luke 14:15-24). So let’s get busy.
This post is intended to give you some creative ideas. You don’t NEED any of these ideas to share your faith. But they can give you confidence in sharing the gospel. And if even one of these ideas makes it easier for you to approach a stranger, may God be glorified.
Here are Ten Ways to Open an Evangelism Encounter with a Complete Stranger
1. Share the Gospel Using Simple Math

Here’s how it works. Your friend picks a three-digit number. Then you process their number with a few simple calculations. But the answer is always 1089. So you end up pointing them to the gospel in Romans 10:8-9 every time.
But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:8-9
Here is a quick video demonstration: How to Share the Gospel Using Simple Math.
You can use a piece of paper for one person or a dry erase board for a group of people.
2. Rebus Puzzles Open the Door to Share the Gospel

Brian Harmon, who is on staff with Open Air Campaigners, is our inspiration for this approach.
Rebus puzzles are word pictures that represent a common phrase or expression. People are intrigued by the puzzles because they are clever. And you can provide a few hints to help them solve the puzzle. And once you have a conversation going, it is easy to bridge to spiritual matters.
The answer to the first puzzle in the picture above is Big Baby. The second answer is “get over it.” And the last answer is: Life After Death. Which begs the question: what do you think happens after you die?
Because a whiteboard is cheap you can get started right away. Here is a short video of our Evangelize Cincinnati University Ministry.
Try Pinterest or Wackie Wordies for more Rebus puzzles. Because people love to solve puzzles you will have fun and learn how to evangelize to strangers.
3. Play the Name Game

I use Dorothy Astoria’s The Name Book to introduce people to the spiritual significance of their name. People love to learn about their name because they get to talk about themselves. And this book contains spiritual connotations for each name.
So here is the approach:
Q) “What is your name?”
A) “Joseph.”
Q) “Oh, this book says Joseph means wise and understanding. Do you consider yourself to be wise and understanding? Do you understand what happens after you die?”
I once played the “Name Game” with a woman named Renee. Her name means “born again.” You will be surprised how many people’s names tie back to scriptural themes and topics and people. Because the book only costs about $15, you can easily try it.
Here’s a video illustration of the “Name Game.”
4. Bluetooth Bible Glasses

Bluetooth sunglasses allow you to cite any Bible verse on demand. A stranger picks any random verse from a Bible. And they are amazed that you can cite the full verse. You appear to have a perfect memory of all the scriptures.
How does it work? You get a little help from a Bluetooth device that is concealed in the frames of your eyeglasses. And a little help from a friend who whispers the selected Bible verse into their phone. See this Rich Ferguson Video for a demonstration. I think you will be impressed.
Note: the video includes a variety of applications for Bluetooth sunglasses but we focus on Bible knowledge only.
Bluetooth glasses from Amazon are not cheap ($30-$100) but they open the door to the Savior.
5. Magic Dollar Bill Trick

I use a pair of $1 bills that seemingly turn into a $2 bill and then a $5 bill just by folding and unfolding the bill.
Here is a quick video of the folding dollar bill trick. This trick always gets a smile. And it opens the door to an evangelism encounter.
Contact Us if you are interested in receiving the instructions.
6. Use a Lie Detector Kit

You simply walk the stranger through the 10 Commandments while operating the lie detector. You will easily confirm that they are a sinner and lead them to the cross of Christ.
Ask a stranger, “Have you ever stolen anything?” If you think the stranger is telling the truth, the lie detector beeps in agreement. But if you think the stranger is lying, the lie detector buzzes and signals deception. You control the lie detector responses remotely. But it appears to be scientifically calibrated because it includes sensors and a fake app for voice stress monitoring.
Once they realize their sinfulness (as they hear the scientific lie detector), you point them to the Savior. This one will cost you about $35. But you have got to see it to believe it.
Here is a video demonstration of the New Lie Detector Kit. If you are interested in receiving the instructions to build your own lie detector, simply Contact Us and send us a quick note.
7. Million Dollar Bill

First, ask this simple opening question: “Did you get one of these?”
Then offer the person a million dollar bill gospel tract. You might say, “It is a million dollar bill with a million dollar question on the back. Here’s the question: Do you think you are going to heaven when you die? How about you? What do you think?” A stack of 100 will cost you about $6 at the Living Waters store.
8. Curved Illusion Gospel Tract

I also use the curved illusion tract from Living Waters Ministry. A stack of 100 costs about $10 at the Living Waters store.
People are confused when you first show them the trick. But the best part is that you give them the trick to share with others.
Here is a quick video of the curved illusion trick.
9. People with Tattoos

If you see a tattoo, compliment the person and ask a question about it. You can say, “I like your tattoos. Which one is your favorite?”
As you may know, many tattoos are about lost relatives. And some are about death. They beg the question: “What do you think happens after you die?”
10. People Wearing a T-shirt with a Point of View
Maybe they are wearing a T-shirt featuring the University of Kentucky, marijuana, or a rap artist. I just say, “I like your T-shirt. Are you a fan of…”
May God Bless You as You Share the Gospel.
For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere..”
1 Thessalonians 1:8
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