Watch the two minute video: Bearcat fan interrupts Gospel proclamation. On September 8th, 2021 the Cincinnati Bearcats hosted the Temple Owls. Many of the 37,978 fans heard the gospel. Some received gospel tracts.
One fan saw fit to interrupt the gospel proclamation. Perhaps he was triggered by the use of the law in the presentation.
Brother Mitch Mascotti was struck by the variety of fan interactions. A number of fans displayed a hardened heart while others showed a genuine interest in the gospel.
Please join us in praying for fruit from this gospel outreach at the University of Cincinnati Bearcat football game.
Video: Bearcat Fan Interrupts Gospel Proclamation
Evangelize Cincinnati
We proclaim the gospel at Cincinnati area sporting events, the bus station and the local abortion clinic. Check our Outreach Schedule and join us.

If you are looking for sports fan outreach opportunities in your area, check Sports Fan Outreach International for like-minded ministries.
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John 8:31
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
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