Kettering, Ohio Abortion Center
A woman provided written evidence of demonic deception at the Kettering, Ohio kill mill. We have provided a digital scan of the note below. This occurred on April 21, 2021.
Demonic Deception Note
We proclaimed the gospel to the woman. And invited her to discuss her situation. The woman was provoked by hearing the gospel and claimed to be a Nephilim. Then, as she was leaving, she gave us the note below. In it, she claimed:
- Lucifer (not Jesus) was her creator,
- Lilith (a demonic figure) was one of “her kind”,
- She came from Enoch’s bloodline.
Demonic Justification for Abortion
The woman provided the justification for her abortion. The woman claims that:
- She had a rare blood type (RH negative),
- Her blood type would kill the baby during pregnancy OR AFTER BIRTH,
- She was ‘saving the child from suffering by aborting the baby’.
Note: According to a local physician and WebMD, she is deceived.
Response to Demonic Deception Note
We are not offering any new insight into the Nephilim. If you are really interested, you may want to refer to this article about Nephilim. Nor do we offer any insight into Enoch’s bloodline, Lilith or Annukai aliens.
Also, I do not put literature on cars. And I do not have any splinters in our eyes. All these things are referenced in her note below.
But we do proclaim Christ and him crucified. And we study his word to know what is true. We proclaim biblical truth to men and women around the southern Ohio area. And we belong to Bible Believing churches.
Our response is this: the abortion mill is full of women who are deceived. This note is evidence of demonic deception.
Prayer Requests
Please join us in praying that the gospel that was proclaimed to her would take root. And please pray for other women who are deceived into murdering their own babies. Pray that:
God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, after having been captured by him to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:25-26
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

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