An atheist posed legitimate questions to us while we were ministering at the kill mill. We were happy to speak with him. He was just driving by the kill mill and heard the proclamation of the gospel.
To our surprise, he had never heard the gospel before. He did not know what God has done to redeem sinful man to himself. And he was shocked to learn that all sin could be forgiven.
We discussed a number of theological issues including: the substitutionary atonement of Christ, the sovereignty of God, and the gospel of Christ.
See the video below. And join us in praying that he would turn to Christ.
Gospel Interaction: Five Minute Video
Gospel Focus
It is a daily challenge to focus on the gospel while at the kill mill. Pro-lifers do not counsel about sin, Jesus, heaven and hell or the gospel. And the customers attempt to justify themselves and defend their actions. But we point to the cross of Christ.
He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be the judge of the living and the dead.
To Him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
Acts 10: 42-43
Evangelize Cincinnati
We do gospel driven abortion ministry in Kettering, Ohio. See our other Gospel Driven Abortion Videos.
For more information about using the gospel in abortion ministry, check out A Storm Comes Rolling Down the Plain.
We also do one-to-one evangelism at the University of Cincinnati. And we proclaim the gospel at Red’s and Bengal’s games. Check our Evangelism Outreach Schedule and join us.
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