Dead to Sin Alive in Christ
36 Seconds Dead to Sin
Jeremy was 36 seconds dead. Heroin kills. But first responders gave him an adrenaline shot to the heart. And they gave him six shots of Narcan. Jeremy was dead to sin but is alive in Christ. See the one minute video below.
Jeremy and I met at the bus station in Cincinnati. He grew up in Covington, Kentucky and was headed back to Kentucky. And he was looking forward to a fresh start in life.
It is no secret that Northern Kentucky has a heroin problem. It has been well chronicled: a heroin epidemic.
Jeremy was declared dead due to a heroin overdose. But Jeremy was also dead to God because of his sin (Ephesians 2:1).
Alive in Christ
Our reaction when anyone claims to be born again is “Halellujah. We’ll see.” Time will tell. But Jeremy claims he is alive again through repentance and faith in Christ. And all this is from God because Jeremy claims he has been granted the gift of repentance and faith.
So what is the best evidence that Jeremy is alive in Christ? First, he states in the video that he has repented and put his faith in Christ. Let’s call this a public confession. And Jeremy understands the biblical doctrine of justification. He claims to have applied it to his heart. So Jeremy claims internal confirmation of saving faith. Finally, Jeremy longs to know the word of God which he carries with him. 1 Peter 2:2 says: Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk.
We can’t know for sure if Jeremy is saved. But there is internal and external evidence that confirms his claim to be alive in Christ.
Join me in praising God. Because God is willing to save men like Jeremy (and you and me) who are dead in our sins. Jeremy knows he was dead for 36 seconds. But now he testifies that he is alive in Christ.
How About You?
How about you? If you died today, would you go to heaven? Take the Good Person Test and find out.
Here are more biblical evangelism interviews outside the bus station.
Finally, help yourself to our Top Three Evangelism Questions. We use two of them in the video.
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him. Colossians 2:13