Men at the Kill Mill need the gospel too. Watch this three minute video. This Dad at Kill Mill hears the gospel.
He claimed that his wife had HELLP Syndrome and Preeclamsia. And he was told that we had “come up to her” which was not true.
We choose to focus on the gospel. And we challenged him to find a Doctor who would help the woman and the baby. Obviously, there is help available for pregnant women with health issues.
This encounter started a little bumpy. And he was taken off-guard by the Good Person Test. But he seemed to know the truth of the gospel. And we were glad to share Christ with him.
Join us in praying that men would repent and trust Christ as they lead their families. We pray that the men would obey Jesus Christ even when they are faced with unplanned pregnancies.
3 Minute Video: Dad at Kill Mill Hears Gospel
What Do We Say to Dads at Kill Mill?
Will you listen to the word of God? In Genesis 3, Eve listened to the serpent, Adam listened to Adam, and nobody listened to God.
What have you done? In Genesis 3:13, God asked Adam and Eve, “What is this you have done?”. God knew that they had sinned. But he wanted them to see their sin clearly. We challenge men at the abortion clinic to see their sin clearly.
Are you listening to the voice of your wife? In Genesis 3:17 God judged Adam for listening to the voice of his wife. You do not want to face God’s judgement for abortion.
Are you betraying the baby with a kiss? Many times the men kiss the women as they go into the abortion clinic. We point them to Judas who betrayed Jesus with a kiss (Luke 22:48). And we remind them of their responsibility to protect and provide for the baby.
Evangelize Cincinnati
We proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ at the abortion clinic and sports venues around town. In addition, we do one-to-one evangelism at the University of Cincinnati. Check our Evangelism Outreach Schedule and join us.
For more of our gospel driven abortion ministry videos, check out our Gospel Driven Abortion Ministry
Finally, if you are interested in learning more about gospel driven abortion ministry, try EndAbortionNow or FreetheStates.